The Delp Details

Monday, October 17, 2005

Have you seen this????

I am not sure if any of you have seen this movie, but I highly recommend it. It recently came out on video and DVD. Joel and I saw it when it first came out in the theaters and when we saw it said, "We have to tell everyone we know to see this!" So, from the Delp's-GO RENT THIS AND SEE IT! It really did change the way I look at so many things. Since Joel has been in seminary, there are many things that we have learned about racism and racial reconciliation. Being from a small town in Indiana I automatically thought, "I'm not racist!" I'm a Christian! I am sure many of you have thought the same thing. However, I have found that sometimes we may say and do things that are considered offensive and yes even racist without thinking about it. I ask you to watch this movie. It is very graphic in some areas I will warn you, but I ask you to watch it and then discuss it with someone. I hope that you can get as much out of it as we have and maybe bring into light things that you never thought were there.
I also recommend going to OPRAH.COM. Now, I am not a huge fan of Oprah, I think her thinking system can be a bit...well off base at times, but she does do some good shows about things that I think are very important. She recently did a show with the cast from Crash and I thought you might be interested in seeing some of it. Also, if you don't know what Crash is about, go to and watch the trailer.
Hope you all get a chance to see this film. You will be better for it. Let me know what you think!


Hummel Family said...

We'll have to rent this movie! I will let you know what I think. Thank you for the suggestion!


Unknown said...

I always appreciate a good movie recommendation. When we do get an evening to ourselves, the next issue is usually, What can we do? Movie? What to watch?