The Delp Details

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My Best Friend's Wedding!

My most loyal and best friend Christa Davis got married on October 22 and I was honored to be in her wedding. I met Christa my first year out of college at Asbury and we have been friends ever since. Although we have lived miles about, we have remained close. I hadn't seen Christa in 3 years-since she was in my wedding. It was so great to see her and meet ALL of her family and friends. She married Bart Sims and they live in Evansville, IN. A cool thing is that they met on E-Harmony! He's a wonderful man of God and makes Christa very happy. Most of you probably don't know her, but enjoy the pictures anyway.

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Posted by j3delp

1 comment:

Chista said...

Kim those pictures are awesome!!! I am the one who is honored because i have you for a friend. I can't believe that is only the second time you have seen that girl in a dress, she must have issues. Maybe something happened to her in her teen years. ANYHOW, enough about that subject. Seriously Kim, you really are a wonderful friend and i'm soooooo glad you were there for my special day.