The Delp Details

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Yes, I have totally been slackin in the blog world. Minimal posts to other fav blogs, no posting on our blog for, well awile. Can I be honest and say I just haven't done it. Not to mention that nothing has really happened lately worthy of blogging. I have had some ideas of things to blog...

~I was going to do the "can you pass 8th grade math thing" Then I looked at it and realized for sure I WASN"T going to spend the time on that and I pretty much knew there was no way on God's green earth I would pass it!
~The dogs have done some really cute stuff, but I can't ever capture it on camera. It's usually them coming up to smell the camera or them turning there back side to it (NOT SO BLOG-WORTHY!)
~Talk about the new research paper I am writing for Major Psychopathological Disorders! It's actually interesting (to me), but must not be TOO interesting since I am blogging instead of writing it!
~I may end up posting this still, but I will do a dry run. Had a conversation in Curves the other day about what the ladies categorize as gross. Now granted one is a teacher so I'm sure she sees gross things, but her biggest thing she can't handle is when kids wiggle their loose teeth in front of her...well, many directions to go there, but do you think I could MAYBE one up her since I"m an ER NURSE! HELLO!
~Going to blog about our new addiction to 24, but realize that we are on season 4-you all have BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!

So instead I came up with this. At least it is something! Hopefully my life gets more interesting. Research papers and Epidemiology homework...not so fun to blog about! Are we really THAT boring! DON"T ANSWER THAT!
Peace to ya!


Chista said...

Don't feel bad Kim. I haven't posted anything since march 13th. Now who's the slacker, huh?

Anonymous said...

How about a Curves update? It's been a while...

Unknown said...

You're right! I should do a Curves update! Thanks Cindy! I don't know how much it has changed, but why not!
How are you doing!?

Robin said...

Oh my goodness, Kim! I got your package today! You are too sweet! I am ALL about the cookies (You clearly have an understanding of prednisone induced middle of the night hunger. They are being kept in my bedside table.) and the cards are absolutely precious! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Robin said...

Okay, another comment, this time about your post . . .

When I first started blogging, I used to ask myself: What made me laugh, smile, or think today?

Or here's a question I have for you: How does your job compare to being a nurse on NBC's ER? Truth vs. fiction. (For instance, are the lights really that dim in YOUR ER? How can they work like that?)

But seriously, we enjoy it WHENEVER you post, whatever it's about.

Anonymous said...

This was a fun post. Remember when Joel used to wonder at the fact that we could talk about our day, what we did, what we watched, what we felt today, etc. This overview was good to read. How can you be boring when you are so busy. I know, same old... to you -share it. We love it! Love MOM