The Delp Details

Friday, April 06, 2007

Maunday Thursday

Observance of Maunday Thursday

In observing Maunday Thursday, we are remembering Christ’s last opportunity to be with his disciples in the Upper Room. In John’s account of this evening, Christ said “A New Commandment I give you, to love one another”. The word Maunday comes from the Latin word “mandatum novum,” which means New Commandment.

He then went on to demonstrate his love for his disciples by washing each of their feet, which was a surprising act since footwashing was usually done by the lowliest of servants.

And as we know, he also instituted a ceremony of bread and wine by which we can remember his sacrificial love for us by dying on the cross. So in remembering Christ on Maunday Thursday, we are reminded anew to take seriously this New Commandment that he has given us to love one another as He has loved us.

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