The Delp Details

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Friends VS Seinfeld

OK, so I am not one to usually post about such crazy things as TV shows (year right) but I thought I would get opinions from those out there about what you think. My husband and I go back and forth regarding Seinfeld and Friends. I am a Friends fan and he is a Seinfeld fan. Don't get me wrong, I think Seinfeld is hysterical, I just prefer Friends. Now I am sure we could have a huge theology debate and I think our conclusion would be that neither is either uplifting or adding to my relationship with God-Survivor doesn't either but...
Anyway, back to the subject. WHich do you prefer? Friends or Seinfeld?


Chista said...

Definately friends, hands down. Welcome back Kimberly!!

Hummel Family said...

Burke and I both say FRIENDS!! Burke has so many episodes memorized...its pretty crazy.

Robin said...

Both have good writing and originality, but Friends is the one I prefer to watch. I have most episodes committed to memory. It's a disease.

TheGaffords said...

Friends every time!

Jodi said...

Friends...three episodes a day...each one lip-synched word for word by me...