The Delp Details

Monday, October 22, 2007


This weekend, I was able to go to Minnesota for the Women of Faith conference. It has been recommended to me before that I needed to go, but what a blessing to be able to go with my mom, 2 aunts, cousin and other new friends. It was an amazing weekend and we had great "girl" time together.
The conference title was "Amazing Freedom". I encourage you women out there to go to the website and check out some of their stuff
if you have the AWESOME opportunity to go to a conference, it will change your life!
Thanks Aunt Donna and Heidi for putting this together for all of us to come.
What an amazing, freeing weekend!


happychipmunk said...

yeah - kim, this sounds great! so glad you had a good experience... so what'd you take away from it? What is God freeing you from? i miss you! so glad to hear about the financial gift you received - what a blessing!!! loved your thoughts on God being good... miss you! johnna

Anonymous said...

It was great to experience the Women of Faith conference together. Thanks to you all for being beautiful ladies. We had fun and learned lots. I love the pic.


Anonymous said...

Kim, it was so great to have you and your mom make the trip to Minnesota to allow us to attend WOF together with Heidi and Patti. It wasn't very far into the conference last year (my first time to attend) that I said to Heidi, "Wouldn't it be great...." and I'm so grateful that it worked out. I'm always grateful for our times together...and treasure them.

Love you,
Aunt Donna