The Delp Details

Saturday, September 22, 2007

"Make My Day..."

I came home from a crazy busy day in the ER today and ready to jump into bed when Joel tells me that I got something in the mail. How excited I was to see that it was a PACKAGE! WOO HOO! I love packages. I was even MORE excited to see it is from my favorite PA and friend Robin! To my surprise, she sent me beautiful handmade jewelry that will match ANYTHING I have. I LOVE IT ROBIN! Thank you so much! Thank you as well for the beautiful words you sent with it. You truly and honestly did "MAKE MY DAY!"
Thank God for friends and for packages that turn bad days into good ones!


Jodi said...

How awesome! I LOVE that bracelet! What a fun friend. :)

Robin said...

Aw, shucks. I'm just glad you like it!

Erin Neises said...

you have some great people in your life! I love you and I will try to call you again@