In case all of you out there in Bloggerland didn't know, Monday, January 28th was Kim's 29th Birthday, so.... Happy Birthday Kim!
I thank God for bringing this wonderful women into the world 29 years ago and allowing her to be my wife. I am so proud of her and how hard she works at work and school (especially this week!) and how much she cares about people (like you folks!) and how much she desires to serve the Lord. I love being her husband and going through life with her. So everyone make sure and wish her a Happy Birthday!!!
Can you guess what we had for Kim's Birthday dinner??? Anyone who knows Kim very well should know....

Yep... you guessed it. Sushi!!!

Here we are at Kim's favorite Sushi buffet where we eat way too much raw fish for any two people to handle.

Kim and her favorite food.

I guess Kim likes showing off her presents 'cause she wanted me to put this pic up.