At the top of the Basilica. We were smiling, but we were kind of scared! It's REALLY high!

The Sunday we were in Guayaquil, Cheryll and Moises's church had a Sunday School program. The kids were SO cute!
Moises with a HUGE Iguana. Simeon wasn't too sure about it!
Cute feet!
Simeon had his first experience in the ocean. He started out smiling, but didn't like the splashing too much!

Our apologies for the lack of posting on this blog. Between facebook and our other blog, I think this one gets neglected. Who knows if people read it, but we should be posting nonetheless. Over the last month, we have had some good experiences. We visited Guayaquil (the largest city in Ecuador). We visited our fellow (long-term) missionary and her husband (Cheryll and Moises). They were wonderful hosts to us and it was great to see a different party of the country and ministries there. One of the other short-termers, Josh went with us.
We have been a bit discouraged in this area recently and covet your prayers to continue our learning and become more proficient!