So, I haven't posted in a while, for that I apologize. I am sure you are waiting with bated breath to know results of the Pharmacology test...
I passed! YEAH! Thank GOD! I passed that class as well as the other 2. Hallelujah!!
IN other news...
We recently returned from Hilton Head, SC for a vacation with friends. It was so nice, but unlike me, I really didn't take any pictures so sorry not to share our fun time on the beach with you. It was a wonderful time and a well needed rest after a rough couple months of stress!
Other developments as far as the mission field for us. We had an interview on Sunday with our mission board from our church to recommend us to the Evangelical Covenant Church as missionaries. This is the second to last step in our process to become short-term missionaries. Our estimated time for this is next summer after I am done with school. I am going to hopefully plan doing my residency hours on the mission field. We will do short term work for 1 year, come back and raise the rest of our support and then go for the long haul!
This interview was a really great time of reflection for us and a realization that our call is FINALLY becoming real! It is so exciting. It is always fun to be able to re-live your testimony and call on your life and have people be excited for you! It was a great time.
So, that is a quick catch up in the life of the Delp's. I will work on getting some pictures soon.
Peace and Blessings!
The Delp Details
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
THIS is it!!!!!!!!

Hopefully this is the LAST post I will ever have on here about Pharmacology! For those of you following this saga, my FINAL exam will be tomorrow (Thursday) in the afternoon. PLEASE pray for clarity and CALMNESS and that I don't run out of time. I will be studying a TON today so please also pray for wise time management and clarity (I have been sicky sicky this week). I am done with my other 2 classes, just waiting on grades for them, but I think I pulled B's out in both! Anyway, please pray. I covet them and appreciate them mo than you know!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
For all you sporty spices out there, click on the link that says click here for your free sports bra. Pretty SWEET huh?
Plato's Closet
So for those of you that are clothes people...
I guess I hope ALL of you are clothes people, but for those of you that really like to shop, I found a place, actually a few years ago called Plato's Closet. I was so excited to go there again. The first time was shopping for my honeymoon. I bought a ton of fun clothes for really cheap. You also turn in your own clothes that you don't want anymore and get money for them. So, I went to the website and was concerned when it said,
"a unique teen fashion franchise"! YIKES!!
I am not a teen anymore! I suppose the first time I went I wasn't either! Can I still go?
I guess I hope ALL of you are clothes people, but for those of you that really like to shop, I found a place, actually a few years ago called Plato's Closet. I was so excited to go there again. The first time was shopping for my honeymoon. I bought a ton of fun clothes for really cheap. You also turn in your own clothes that you don't want anymore and get money for them. So, I went to the website and was concerned when it said,
"a unique teen fashion franchise"! YIKES!!
I am not a teen anymore! I suppose the first time I went I wasn't either! Can I still go?
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Iditarod 2008

Since we were in Elim, Alaska, and even before I have been fascinated by the Iditarod. It is set to start today March 1st from Anchorage. Follow it on the site above. I was fascinated to know that the trail actually started because of a diptheria outbreak in 1925 in Nome (the end of the race). Mushers carried the serum over 600 miles in just a few hours to save many lives! It's a great story! Anyway, learn more about it. It's very cool!
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