I was thinking yesterday as I was ironing (something I rarely do because I am terrible at it!) and I thought about women today. There are so many different kind of women. What kind of woman am I? Am I typical? I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a daughter-in-law and A PASTOR'S WIFE! It's funny when the obvious hits you like a truck! Not that being a pastor's wife is a new thought to me. A lot of people at my old job knew me as that. But when I think of all that comes with that...'title', well, it makes me think...
Number 1, I consider it a true, true priviledge to be the wife of a man that GOD has called into ministry. This is not something to be taken lightly and has SO many responsibilities that people don't EVEN realize. I don't even realize all my husband does sometimes.
When I was growing up, I think I even told my mom, "IF I am ever a pastor's wife (which I didn't think I wanted to be) I am sure not going to be a TYPICAL pastor's wife!" It's odd looking back on that because I STILL think that. I am not really someone who likes to live in the boxes people have set up for certain titles. I have actually had some very funny looks and 'interesting' questions asked of me when I say my husband is a pastor. One said, "you don't LOOK like a pastor's wife." Another said "I never would have guessed that!" When they meet Joel, they usually say "you don't LOOK like a pastor". To which we both usually say "What DOES a pastor look like?"
I ask myself even now, "what does a pastor's wife look like?" Does it matter...? I am not talking looks here, I mean what does it MEAN to be a pastor's wife? I say this and ask this because number one, I want to support Joel as much as I can. I want to be an encourager, supporter, and advocate for him. However, I think the IDEA of what people have as a pastor's wife is not at all what I am. I don't play the piano (not well anyway), I don't teach sunday school, heck, some Sunday's I can't even be in church because I am working! Does that make me a below average wife. Well, I don't think so, but I have to wonder what other's think. Not that I care (I told you I am not typical). Don't get me wrong, I want to be supporting to people of the church as well, but I am not there to PLEASE them. I am there to worship Jesus! WOW. I feel I have tons of thoughts brewing and not enough room to say them.
Again, don't get me wrong. I don't necessarily feel presssure or anything from people in our church. It is just something I have been thinking about...
What's YOUR opinion?